Vote for SvN’s Boreal Corridor in the CanInfra Ideas Contest

Vote for SvN’s Boreal Corridor in the CanInfra Ideas Contest
SvN’s Canada’s Boreal Corridor submission is one of the Top-20 semifinalists in the CanInfra Ideas Contest for transformational infrastructure concepts.
Public online voting starts today! To vote and learn more about the proposal for the Boreal Corridor Boréale (BCB), click here. You can vote once per day until April 9th.
Canada’s population will increase from its current 35 million persons to twice that by 2050, and over 100 million persons by 2100. Canada needs a National Growth Plan. The Boreal Corridor calls for the development of a permanent, multi-modal corridor linking three coasts to the urbanized south.
The BCB will:
- Empower existing and new communities to sustain and enahance the existing Boreal Forest, restoring the balance between Canada’s social, economic and environmental futures;
- Address the lack of east-west infrastructure leading to tidewater ports for export to and from Canada’s interior;
- Boost regional and local economic growth and job creation through investment in the BCB infrastructure combined with access to foreign markets;
- Decentralize population growth and reduce pressures on infrastructure;
- Help develop a diversified northern economy by promoting permanence and reinvigorate manufacturing;
- Provide a higher quality of life for Northern residents by lowering the cost of goods; and
- Introduce high-speed internet access throughout the Boreal Corridor, lower installation costs and allow local economies to be further diversified.