Six Points Wins 2018 RAIC National Urban Design Award

Six Points Wins 2018 RAIC National Urban Design Award
We are proud to announce that Six Points Interchange won a 2018 RAIC National Urban Design Award in the category of Urban Design Plans.
January 14, 2019
The award ceremony took place on January 7, 2019 at the Ottawa Art Gallery. Senior Urban Designer, Tünde Páczai presented the design vision, and Shonda Wang (SvN), Nimit Mattal (HDR inc), and Kristina Reinders from the City of Toronto, were present to receive the award.
The vision for the Six Points Interchange is to transform a multi-tiered freeway junction into a functional and engaging public realm, create connections to the surrounding neighbourhoods and amenities that are currently isolated, and support the growth of Etobicoke Centre into a significant Regional Hub.
Located at the convergence of Dundas Street West, Kipling Avenue, and Bloor Street West, this 60s-era, car-focused, “spaghetti junction” will be untangled and replaced by three, grade-related intersections that will be friendly to all users and supported by an urban network of adjacent streets. Generous public boulevards will be provided on all streets in order to include a double row of trees along Dundas and space for patios along Bloor Street. New protected bike lanes, reduced curb radii, and special pavement markings will ensure that pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists can move and co-exist safely. Overhead utilities will be buried and continuous soil trenches with stormwater filtration will ensure that large trees can thrive. Together, the envisioned streetscape will be the first set of intersecting ‘complete streets’ to be designed and built in Toronto.
Jury Comments:
“In addition to the positive impact it will have on its specific context, the detailed street and sidewalk design is of relevance to any new medium or high-density development where climate, scale, and pedestrian continuity should drive the design of the streetscape.”
For complete list of winners, images and judges comments: RAIC
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